Date: February 9, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
1. Select Board’s Comments and Announcements.
2. Town Administrator’s report.
3. Select Board to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
4. Public Input.
5. The Nature Conservancy to address the Board regarding appraisal of property in North Becket.
6. Parks Commission to address the Board regarding Town Beach negotiations.
7. Selectmen to vote to sign the warrant for the Presidential Primary to take place on March 6, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
8. Select Board to review email from town counsel regarding Sherwood Forest beach property.
9. Select Board to discuss Becket Ambulance Department 2012 Rate Change form.
10. Select Board to vote to approve the Police Chief Job Description.
11. Select Board to establish Police Chief Search Committee.
12. Monthly reports of the Ambulance Department and Building Inspector.
13. Any other business to come before the Board.
14. Review Correspondence.